Sunday, January 31, 2010

journal #1

There are many diffrent things that people can relate to all over the world. No matter what their culture or customs are. For example there are many different religions that all include a different variety of races. Wheather you're from one side of the world or the other, there is always going to be people who will have the same type of customs, and then there will be those who have never even heard or are familiar with what you do or what your beliefs are.

Music is the one that stands out the most to me because everyone in the world is familiar with it. Whether it be regular songs or just playing an instument, it is all music, but of course not everyone listens to the same thing. Music is universal therefor everyone can relate to it...even if they don't understand the lyrics, they know that it is music.

The other one that stood out to me the most was religion. Even though there are many different religions accross the world people have the option of choosing a religion that they want to practice. Everyone has different beliefs and have the right to choose who they want to look up to as a person who is greater than themselves.

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